Outreach Activities

EOH Grade School Village

Mag teaching about binary numbers Binary numbers 'glove' poster Mag pretending to be a FSM Cinda guides kids through the sorting net ...guides kids through the sorting net Kids work on tessellations Some of the tessellations made by kids Tessellations posters

In 1998 UIUC Engineering Open House organizers had a special "grade school village" aimed at elementary school students visiting in groups with their teachers. We designed four different engaging activities involving binary numbers, tessellations, sorting networks, and finite state machines. These activities were quite popular. We estimate that over 200 students and their teachers participated.

Since then, we have participated in the Grade School Village every year. One day, additional pictures will show up here.

Junior High girls camp activities

On behalf of the computer science department, we organized and ran activities for approximately 50 junior high girls from around the country, who were attending a residential camp (GAMES: Girls Adventure in Math, Engineering, and Science, previously known as "Camp 21st") run by the Women in Engineering program at UIUC. The GAMES camp seeks to excite girls about the possibility of careers in science and engineering by getting them involved in hands-on projects in various disciplines. There are some photos from the 2001 summer GAMES camp. Click on the link to "CS Activities", to get a directory of pictures.


Classroom visitations and presentations in Champaign/Urbana schools.